

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Dog with a blog

Did you know that the Disney channel has a TV show about a talking dog that has a blog? I've never seen the show, so I can only assume that his blog tackles the tough topics like where to bury his bones, which types of balls are the most fun to fetch, and how cats aren't evil, they're just misunderstood. But then again, maybe the whole show is just a metaphor for humanity. Maybe we are all just dogs with blogs. Whoa, that's deep, Disney... deep. Where am I going with this? Nowhere, nowhere at all.

On to the story of our young hero!

A very exciting thing happened on Thursday, we finally got to hold our son!

Even Jedi Masters need snuggle time with Momma

Moving Ezekiel from his bed to the chair to be held was quite the production, requiring 3 people to carry him and all his attachments. Both Jenny and I got to hold him for about 30 minutes and he was oddly calm the entire time. In fact, he just fell asleep and stayed asleep. I think he enjoyed it almost as much as we did. Finally being able to hold him was amazing. The only downside is that now we want to hold him all the time! I suppose that's an acceptable downside.

As we expected, we lost a little ground while Ezekiel was off dialysis last week, but his treatments began anew on Saturday. He's been handling the fluid exchanges much better this time around and actually seems at ease with the whole process. He looks slimmer, trimmer, and I dare say he's ready for swim suit season. You may think it's the wrong time for swimming suits, but not at the NICU. Here it's undies only, all day long. How else could he soak up the rays from that heat lamp at the head of his bed? You think that Adonis like figure takes care of itself? How little you know.

In the most recent of news, just today the care team started talking about Ezekiel's long term prognosis! This is very exciting! Previous to this, questions about the future were met with diplomatic answers telling us to worry about his current struggles. His continued forward strides now warrant these topics for consideration. Because of this, we'll be having another care conference next week to discuss Ezekiel's next steps. We're quite confident this care conference will be more cheerful than our last one.

Staring contest! I totally won. He'll think twice before challenging his old man again.

So all in all, it's been a good couple of days since we last checked in. Thanks again to everyone for their constant support as Ezekiel's situation continues. Jenny and I are very lucky to have so may people that care about our family.

Until next time,


  1. So happy for your cuddle time ❤️.
    My family was at AFCH yesterday for a check up and I couldn't help but think of little Ezekiel and send some extra positive thoughts his way. Take care and Fight on!

    1. Thanks so much! I hope your little guy is doing well. I'd be interested to hear more about your story sometime.

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