

Friday, November 7, 2014

1 whole week

In two hours, Ezekiel will be one week old. It seems crazy that he's only been with us for one week, he has packed more insanity into one week than Shaun T ever could!

Momma bear with her cub

Today was a good day for little Ezekiel. Not only was his dialysis catheter surgery a success, he crushed it! The surgeon and his team did an awesome job and told us that Zeke was a champ the whole way through. He had no scary drops in his stats, and one report claims he told the surgeon "I don't need no anesthesia!". Don't worry, we're working on his grammar.

Post surgery: He's holding his bandage to the wound. The nurse tried to tape it down and Zeke slapped her hand

This new addition brings the total up to 10. 10 tubes running into this tiny body. This has got to be some kind of record. Now hopefully we can let that tube sit for a while, because the longer it has to heal the less likely it is to leak and cause infection.

Short and sweet 'cause it's time for bed!


  1. So glad everything went so well. Way to go Zeke!!!

  2. Dear Zart Family,
    The link to your blog was shared with me by a mutual friend because my son was diagnosed with probable PUV on an 11 week ultrasound. Although his medical need are far less complex than sweet Zeke's we did spend the majority of his pregnancy preparing for most of the things you have experienced. My heart goes out to you both and Zeke and I'm sending many positive thoughts his way. He clearly is a fighter and what we would call a "champion of the children's hospital". I have no doubt the children's hospital is treating you well, we've never been disappointed with that amazing place and the work they do. Stay strong and fight on!
    All my best,
    Albi Schroeder
