

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Who wants a surgery?

Two days in a row? This has got to be some kind of a record!

These are surgery prep situps!

Today, Zeke left his room in the NICU for the first time since his arrival at the UW on November 2nd. He was finally stable enough to be moved down to the operating room instead of making the operating room come to him. I knew this was going to happen, but I never really thought about it until they started wheeling him out. It was odd how something so simple could strike me rather profoundly.

Thankfully all of Zeke's toys are on wheels

Since Zeke's operation was a late add on to the schedule, it got pushed back a little. He ended up starting his road trip at about 11:30AM. I know you're all eager to know how the surgery went, but this is Ezekiel we're talking about. Of course surgery went off without a hitch! The whole process took less than 2 hours.

Post surgery bundle

When they wheeled him back into his room, this was the first time I saw all of my son's face at the same time. Sadly, I didn't appreciate the moment for that gem, I was far too distracted by the newest semi-perminant hole in his poor body. Kids are amazing though, he has already accepted this as the new norm. In just a couple hours with his trach his oxygen needs disappeared, coming down to room air and staying there until we left the hospital. He's breathing more easily than we've seen in a while and will hopefully rest easy tonight since he can finally breathe at a normal pace.

One more for the road

Thanks for the all the kind thoughts and happy vibes sent our way today!


  1. Such a little beauty!!! ..... or does he prefer to be called handsome?

  2. I knew this was going to happen, but I never really thought about it until they started wheeling him out. It was odd how something so simple could strike me rather profoundly.Pittsburgh surgery
