

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Let's do math!

Fair marrow, good people!

A boy was born on the first day of the 11th month. Today is the first day of the 12th month. The number x represents the age of the child in months. Solve for x. Show your work.

x = 12 - 11
x = 1
The boy is 1 month old!

He's been so lazy this whole month. His mother says it's the morphine, I think he just needs some motivation.
Not a whole lot has changed since last we chatted. Oh, except for this:

This boy...

... became this boy!

Even Tony Horton would be proud of these results! Either they did a baby swap, or the dialysis is working.

On the lung front, he's made enough progress that they gave Ezekiel what they call a "pressure support trial". This involved changing the ventilator to a mode that makes Ezekiel do more of the work on his own. Normally the ventilator breathes for him. While he can breathe on top of the vent, it is giving him a set number of breathes every minute. During this pressure test, the vent does NOT give him breaths, it just supports the breaths he takes on his own. Ezekiel had these pressure support trials on Saturday and Sunday and did very well! Today he was a little tuckered out from all the hard work of breathing, but these trials will continue as his lungs get stronger.

Tomorrow brings our care conference that will hopefully have lots of information regarding Ezekiel's care plan moving forward. I'll try to check in tomorrow and let you know how it goes!

Until tomorrow?

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